Get MOC2511 for your DJI Matrice 3D & Dock 2

Parachute for DJI Matrice 3D

999,17  excl. VAT

Available by pre-order only


Obtain C6 class for your DJI Matrice 3D / 3TD drone.


C6 class (for STS-02)


MOC2511 Flight Termination System


Compliance documents



Obtain MOC2511 for your DJI Matrice 3D / 3TD drone.


MOC2511 Flight Termination System


Compliance documents

FTS-MOC Kronos AD MAtrice M3D


The FTS-MOC Kronos Matrice 3D plug & play system enables DJI Matrice 3D and Matrice 3TD to comply with European C6 Class and MOC2511 / MOC2512 (M2)standards. The system prevents the drone from leaving its regulatory flight zone. In the event of a problem during a flight mission, the system instantly cuts the drone’s power supply in either autonomous or manual mode.

Klick system for manual triggering
Unlimited autonomy
Ultra-light system

Connected to DJI Flight Hub 2 with SDK Module

Plug & play module

Our new plug & play Flight Termination Systems Kronos M3D, has been designed to enable remote pilots to stay focused on their flying missions. The system can be installed in less than 2 minutes, and is installed between the batteries and the drone.

Automatic start-up

The Kronos M3D Flight Termination System (FTS) activates automatically when the drone is started up. Dronavia has automated the entire start-up process for these Kronos M3D safety accessories, to help drone operators carry out their autonomous flight missions.

SDK Module

An SDK module is integrated into the PRS-FTS-MOC Kronos AD Matrice 3D system, enabling you to link your safety accessories to the FlightHub 2 flight management software. Thanks to this link, you can link your flight zone to your safety accessories and automate their activation using Geofencing functions.

Long-range, secure transmission for manual triggering

The long-range communication system between the Klick trigger remote control and the PRS/FTS is based on advanced technology and LoRa modulation. Its range can reach several kilometres in optimal conditions and a long range option allows to exceed 10 km.

The communication protocol is based on the 869 MHz frequencies, which are free of authorisation (433 and 915 MHz options available). A 128-bit encryption ensures that the data is not intercepted and the user is warned if the communication is disturbed.

EASA MOC2511 compliance

The Kronos M3D Flight Termination System (FTS) complies with MoC Light-UAS.2511.01, which is an essential compliance requirement when developing a SORA (Special Operations Risk Assessment) or PDRA (Pre-Defined Risk Assessment). This compliance is sufficient to meet the requirements of Part 9, ensures that our customers have the best risk management and safety measures for their special operations, while staying ahead of future European standards. The MOC2511 is sufficient to meet the requirements of Part 9.

IP54 watertightness

Like the DJI Matrice 3D drone, Kronos safety accessories are totally waterproof and comply with the IP54 waterproofing standard.

grams only

unlimited autonomy

autonomous deploiement trigger time (sec)

range in KM (Klick system)


minutes installation time

sealing indication

working temperature

dimensions (mm)


for more information


Parachute Recovery System for DJI Matrice 3D/3TD

Find the answer to your question quickly & easily

Why equip your drone with a Flight Termination System?

Adding a Flight Termination System to a drone can help ensure safety in the event of a technical failure or other critical problems during flight (extreme weather conditions, radio transmission failure, technical failure of the propulsion system, loss of GPS signal, etc).

Dronavia’s flight termination systems (FTS) can cut your drone’s power supply in the event of a problem, preventing the drone from leaving its regulatory flight envelope or crashing.

What is the MOC2511 published by EASA?

EASA has published a consultation document on means of compliance (MoC.2511) for light UAVs, focusing on the adoption of an autonomous Flight Termination System (FTS), defined as an emergency measure (not a contingency measure). This new certification came into force on 1 January 2023.

Dronavia is proud to be the first manufacturer to provide a system that is compliant with the MoC Light-UAS.25 published by EASA, an essential compliance in the development of a SORA.

This essential compliance in the development of a SORA (Special Operations Risk Assessment) ensures that our customers have the best risk management and safety measures for their special operations, while staying ahead of future European standards. The MOC 2511 is sufficient to meet the requirements of Part 9.

How did Dronavia achieve MOC2511 compliance?

To obtain this compliance, Dronavia had to carry out numerous tests elaborated according to precise specifications provided by the EASA: repeated triggering on the ground, at distance, in a real situation and determination of the maximum operating distance established at up to 3 km.

In parallel to these hundreds of tests, to go even further and push the reliability of our Flight Termination Systems (FTS) to the maximum, we decided to perform more than 1000 flight termination triggering in order to guarantee the proper functioning of the drone with the flight termination system for many years. A way to ensure that no matter what your special operation is, you will perform it safely.

How do I install a Flight Termination Systems ?

Dronavia’s Flight Termination Systems are designed to be easily integrated, with an installation time of around 5 to 10 minutes (for the first installation) and then just a few seconds. Our systems are plug and play, enabling drone operators to take off quickly.
Dronavia provides a user manual and tutorial videos to help drone operators carry out the installation simply and quickly.

What communication system is used to communicate between the Flight Termination Systems and the Klick trigger remote control ?

The long-range communication system between the Klick trigger remote control and the Flight Termination Systems (FTS) is based on advanced technology and LoRa modulation. It has a range of up to 5 km under optimum conditions, and a long-range option can exceed 10 km.

The communication protocol is based on 869 MHz frequencies, free of authorisation (433 and 915 MHz options available). A 128-bit encryption ensures that the data is not intercepted and the user is warned if the communication is disturbed.

Can the Klick trigger system be interfered with and/or intercepted? Is there a risk of unwanted triggering?

No, all data is encrypted using a secure wireless link based on advanced technology and LoRa modulation.

128-bit encryption ensures that data is not intercepted and the user is warned if communication is disrupted.

Can you travel by plane with a Flight Termination Systems?

There are no constraints for professional pilots travelling by plane.

What regulations do Dronavia's Flight Termination Systems comply with?

Dronavia’s autonomous Flight Termination Systems (FTS) modules comply with MOC 2511 published by the EASA. They make it quick and easy to obtain a specific permit to fly (SORA). Coupled with a Parachute Recovery System that complies with MOC M2 published by EASA, the safety of your flights is enhanced and obtaining a SORA is made even simpler.

Dronavia’s Flight Termination Systems are approved for DGAC Scenario 2 (S2) (French Civil Aviation Authority). Coupled with a Parachute Recovery System, the drone becomes S2 approved by the DGAC.

By combining your Parachute Recovery Systems (PRS) and your Flight Termination Systems (FTS), you can obtain an accessory kit enabling you to classify your drone C5 (for all C3 class drones). This EASA-certified accessory kit allows you to fly in the specific category for the STS-01 scenario.

What is a MOC (Means of compliance)?

An MoC is a way for professional drone operators to demonstrate that they comply with the regulations and standards that apply to their activities and to guarantee the quality and safety of the products they use. To obtain it, it is necessary to meet the current regulatory requirements published by the EASA, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency.

Beyond quality and safety, with a MOC compliant product, professional drone operators can obtain a SORA (Specific Operations Risk Assessment) or PDRA (pre-defined risk assessment, a flight authorization delivered for specific missions, in an easier and faster way.

How does the MOC2511 make it quicker and easier to obtain a SORA?

Step 9 of the SORA addresses the risk of loss of control of the aircraft and flight into adjacent areas where the risk to third parties (ground or air) may be higher. If the aircraft is not adequately designed, there may be probable reasons that could lead to an exit from the area of operation.

The operator should consider the criteria for adjacent areas and determine the level of containment (standard or enhanced) for the aircraft in question. For any enhanced containment system, the operator must : « declare compliance with the provisions of the document “Means of compliance with Light UAS.2511 – Enhanced containment”, or provide evidence of such compliance (technical description, test reports, etc.) when applying for a permit. »

How are Flight Termination Systems activated?

Flight Termination Systems are activated manually using a Klick trigger remote control. Ergonomic, lightweight, with LED status indicators and a secure wireless connection, the Klick range of trigger remotes enables drone operators to ensure the safety of your flights, thanks to fast, controlled triggering.

To ensure total safety and increase the chances of avoiding a crash or accident, Dronavia Flight Termination Systems (FTS) can be coupled with Parachute Recovery Systems (PRS). In this case, when the parachute is triggered (autonomous deployment or manual activation), the Flight Termination Systems will activate at the same time, and conversely.

How do I connect my Flight Termination System (FTS) to my Parachute Recovery System (PRS) ?

Dronavia’s experts will pair the PRS with the FTS in our workshop. After a connection test, your systems is shipped. In this case, when the parachute is triggered (autonomous deployment or manual activation), the Flight Termination Systems will activate at the same time, and conversely.

Parachute Recovery Systems (PRS) are necessarily sold with an FTS to ensure proper system operation. They are pair in the workshop by our experts.

Does the Flight Termination System require a power supply?

Dronavia’s Flight Termination Systems are installed directly between the drone and its batteries. They are powered directly by the drone and therefore have unlimited autonomy.




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